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$215 Million Settlement for Victims of USC Gynecologist’s Sexual Misconduct

| Grant & Eisenhofer P.A. Civil Rights | Blog & News

A federal judge in Los Angeles has indicated he will award a $215 million class-action settlement to former patients of University of Southern California’s campus gynecologist, Dr. George Tyndall.

Under the terms of the settlement, more than 18,000 women who saw Dr. Tyndall during their time at USC would be guaranteed a $2,500 payment, whether or not she had alleged abuse. A lawyer for the university described this as the largest class-action sexual harassment suit, both in terms of number of people involved and the amount of the settlement.

The lawsuit was filed in May 2018, following an internal investigation conducted by USC which concluded that Dr. Tyndall had sexually abused patients over the course of several decades while working at the student health center. Since the investigation, Dr. Tyndall’s medical license has been suspended and he has been charged with 29 total counts of sexual penetration and sexual battery by fraud. If convicted, he could face up to 53 years in prison.

Grant & Eisenhofer’s civil rights attorneys can help you determine if you have legal options to file a sexual harassment or sexual assault lawsuit.

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