Lawyer for Sexual Assault and Harassment Claims
Attorneys Committed to Helping Survivors of Sexual Misconduct Nationwide
Sexual harassment and sexual assault have recaptured the national spotlight thanks to the #MeToo and #TimesUp movement. Thousands of survivors have come forward to share their stories. Despite the powerful impact of the movement, thousands of people continue to be sexually harassed or assaulted.
Fortunately, survivors of sexual misconduct have rights that can help bring the perpetrators to justice.
How We Fight for Justice for Survivors of Sexual Misconduct
Grant & Eisenhofer P.A. takes cases nationwide to hold negligent entities and offenders accountable for sexual assault and/or sexual harassment. Our committed legal team helps our clients seek justice against perpetrators of:
Sexual Assault
A sexual assault incident may lead to a criminal prosecution, which may result in jail time, probation, fines and other sanctions against the perpetrator. Notably, it may also lead to a civil lawsuit. For many sexual assault survivors, a sexual assault lawsuit is the only way to seek damages for harm suffered.
The lawyers at Grant & Eisenhofer P.A. have experience handling sexual assault cases. We take cases involving:
- Child sexual abuse
- Elder sexual abuse survivors
- Survivors of sexual abuse in the workplace
- Survivors of sexual abuse by trusted professionals (i.e., doctors, coaches, teachers)
If you or a loved one are a sexual assault survivor, speak with a lawyer for a sexual assault case evaluation. Our legal team can help you determine if you have a viable sexual assault claim and answer your legal questions.
Sexual Harassment
Our legal team helps clients seek justice against perpetrators of sexual harassment. We have helped individuals nationwide that have experienced sexual misconduct in the workplace, assisted living, care, and education facilities.
There are two types of sexual harassment claims, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC):
- Quid pro quo – Quid pro quo means “this for that.” In the context of employment, individuals in a position of power may perpetrate this type of harassment. Generally, this occurs when a superior conveys that he or she will base employment decisions on the employee’s submission to or rejection of a sexual command.
- Hostile work environment – a hostile work environment occurs when behavior or speech creates a demeaning or intimidating situation that negatively affects an individual’s job performance. Anyone in the workplace may commit this type of negative behavior.
While quid pro quo and hostile work environments are two different types of claims, the line between the two is often blurred. Additionally, the two types of harassment often occur together.
If you have questions regarding a sexual harassment or sexual assault claim, speak with an attorney at our firm.
Federal and State Laws that Protect Your Rights
Protections in the Workplace
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 offers many employees protection from sex discrimination, including sexual harassment. Title VII of this law forbids employers with 15 or more employees from engaging in unwanted verbal or physical sexual conduct. Title VII also applies to federal and state governmental organizations. States may also have specific laws that apply to sexual misconduct in the workplace. For instance, California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) offers protections against sexual harassment in the workplace.
If you have questions regarding your rights, call our legal team. We take cases nationwide and are knowledgeable in federal and state laws regarding civil rights.
Protections in the Classroom
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits the following on campuses that receive funds from the federal government:
- Sex discrimination
- Sexual assault
- Sexual harassment
Most institutions receive some amount of federal funds. If these institutions receive any federal funding, then they must abide by Title IX. It does not matter if the school is public or private.
If students or staff at these institutions are subjected to sex discrimination or sexual harassment, they may be able to file Title IX complaints. They must file these complaints with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. A civil lawsuit for Title IX violations may also be available.
Reporting Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation
Students, educational staff, and employees have a range of options for reporting sexual misconduct. For instance, there are state and federal agencies that may opt to investigate claims of sexual harassment or discrimination. Law enforcement may investigate instances of sexual assault.
In some cases, survivors may experience retaliation after filing these claims. For instance, a survivor of workplace sexual harassment may experience a demotion or even termination for filing a claim. Fortunately, the law forbids employers from undertaking these actions. Employees who file sexual harassment or assault claims are engaging in a legally protected activity. Employers cannot retaliate against employees who are engaging in legally protected activities.
Filing a Lawsuit for Sexual Harassment or Sexual Assault
In addition to physical and psychological damage, survivors of sexual misconduct may also suffer permanent damage to their careers and close personal relationships. As a result, survivors may suffer a severely reduced quality of life.
Depending on the circumstances of your situation, you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover compensation for your damages. Filing a lawsuit also acts as a deterrent against future instances of sexual misconduct, and in some cases, can even change laws or improve internal workplace policies or procedures. It is not only legislators that have a significant role in changing the laws of our society—attorneys and their clients also participate in this process.
Understanding Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment can occur anywhere. Survivors of sexual harassment may experience unwanted verbal or written comments of a sexual nature. These incidents are typically not isolated, and may occur over a period of days, months, or even years.
In a work environment, a supervisor may seek to use his or her authority to provide gifts or promotions in exchange for sexual favors from an employee in a lower position. This is an example of “quid pro quo” sexual harassment. Survivors of sexual harassment may feel forced to take sick leave, withdraw from classes, or quit their jobs. These individuals may not realize they have federal and state rights that may hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.
In other cases, survivors may experience unwanted touching, or worse, rape. Sexual assault can lead to physical injuries, as well as psychological disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Sexual harassment and assault can have negative effects on the workplace as a whole, potentially leading to:
- Higher turnover rates
- Increased absences
- Expensive legal costs
These consequences can affect an entire company, so it is important for employees and contractors to report instances of sexual harassment or assault.

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