Sexual Assault “Red Zone” Underway as Fall Semester Begins at College
With exciting new beginnings this fall for college students, there is also a sad and documented truth: the period between campus arrival and Thanksgiving presents a heightened risk of sexual assault on campus. This phenomenon is called the “red zone.” Colleges and universities often see a spike in sexual assault on campus during this time.
According to RAINN, 50% of sexual assaults on college students happen during this zone—the months of August through November. Freshmen girls are the most at-risk group among college students, due to their lack of established friend/support networks and adjusting to a new environment without parental guidance.
Unfortunately, the majority of sexual assaults that happen on campus go unreported. According to RAINN, only 20% of female student survivors ages 18-24 report incidents of sexual violence to law enforcement. For the survivors who do speak out, colleges often fail to adequately respond to the incident—even with a dedicated Title IX office. At colleges and universities across the country, students’ Title IX sexual assault claims often go unanswered, are poorly handled, or are not investigated in a timely manner. This gives way to a “rape culture” on some college campuses, where sexual violence is tolerated, normalized, and even excused.
Contact Grant & Eisenhofer Today to Discuss Your Potential Case
If you or someone you love is a survivor of sexual misconduct or sexual violence at a college, university, or other education institution, it’s important to know your rights and have someone fighting for you to hold those responsible accountable. Hiring a Title IX lawyer may be an option for you. If you feel you have not been heard by your college or university, speak with an attorney experienced in Title IX proceedings.