Lawyers for Discrimination
Were You Discriminated Against? Speak to Our Attorneys About a Potential Discrimination Claim
If you believe you have been discriminated against, talk to a lawyer experienced in discrimination lawsuits to determine if you have a case. You have rights under United States anti-discrimination laws. You may be eligible to bring a discrimination claim against the individual or entity that discriminated against you.
The team of civil rights attorneys at Grant & Eisenhofer P.A. have a track record of fighting against discrimination. Below, we provide an overview of anti-discrimination laws and information about filing a discrimination lawsuit. We also outline how our legal team helps victims of discrimination.
Anti-Discrimination Laws and Your Rights
- Civil Rights Act
- Equal Pay Act
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Fair Housing Act
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
There are also many state laws that provide protections against discrimination. If you have questions about the laws in your particular state, speak with a lawyer from our firm. We are experienced and knowledgeable in state and federal anti-discrimination laws. Our legal team also takes cases nationwide.
How Anti-Discrimination Laws Protect Your Rights
Under U.S. anti-discrimination laws, you cannot be discriminated against on the basis of:
- Age
- Race
- Gender/Gender identity
- Religion
- Disability
- Pregnancy
- National origin
- Genetic information
- Sexual orientation
- Military status
State and federal laws prohibit discrimination and protect your rights in many contexts, including:
- Employment discrimination
- Education or school-based discrimination
- Housing discrimination (including renting, buying or other housing-related activities)
- Health care discrimination
- Discrimination by financial institutions
The attorneys at G&E are experienced in handling discrimination cases. If you need a lawyer because you believe you have been wrongfully discriminated against, contact our legal team today.
Filing a Discrimination Lawsuit
Time Limits and Statutes of Limitations
Anti-discrimination laws give individuals a limited amount of time to file a discrimination lawsuit. How many years does an individual have to file a discrimination lawsuit? The time limit depends on the context of your situation and the laws that apply to it.
For example, if you experienced workplace discrimination in California, you may only have one year from the date that you were discriminated against to file an administrative complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).
If you are seeking to file a discrimination lawsuit, it is critical to meet the applicable statutory deadlines. If you miss a deadline to either file a complaint or a lawsuit, you will likely no longer be eligible to file your complaint or claim.
Why Choose the Grant & Eisenhofer P.A. Legal Team?
Attorneys in G&E’s civil rights, sexual assault/harassment and discrimination practice group have vast experience in a wide range of civil rights cases. G&E attorneys are dynamic advocates for survivors of sexual assault (including Title IX violations), victims of discrimination, wrongful incarceration, and other forms of harassment. Additionally, Principal Elizabeth Graham represents survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment that occurred in the workplace, in places of higher learning, or by a trusted professional. Principal Barbara Hart actively prosecutes civil rights actions on behalf of Firm clients, including dozens of adult survivors of child sexual abuse.
Our legal team has experience holding various parties accountable for the illegal treatment of others. We are currently litigating numerous individual claims in state, federal and appellate courts.

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