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Interfraternity Council Requires Sexual Assault Training for GW Fraternities

| Grant & Eisenhofer P.A. Civil Rights | Blog & News

The Interfraternity Council, known as the IFC, has instituted a new requirement among fraternity members at The George Washington University. Chapters are now required to attend sexual assault training. These educational workshops, led by activist group Students Against Sexual Assault, are required courses for 80% of the members of each fraternity.

College sexual assault is common on university campuses, occurring at places like parties, student housing, and public and communal spaces. Universities that receive federal funding are required to adhere to Title IX, which protects against discrimination based on sex, and also extends to sexual assault, harassment, or any form of sexual misconduct. These universities are required to respond adequately to complaints of sexual assault on campus.

If you experienced sexual assault on campus, you are not alone. Your voice is important and deserves to be heard to bring justice and hold perpetrators accountable. Contact our law firm today. We want to hear from you.

Interfraternity Council Requires Sexual Assault Training for GW Fraternities

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